Monday, 15 December 2008

Verry Berry Surprise - Revisited!

Well, as per my understanding of history, Christopher Colombus was actually trying to find another way to reach India - Land of Spice. But in that exploration he landed up discovering the world strongest country America. His biggest mistake, turned out to be a marvellous discovery. Now, the Colombus within me wanted to cook Strawberry Cream, an exotic dessert served at Wimbledon. I was amongst the fortunate ones to watch the current wimbledon match, with few of my friends who had paid visit to Land of Queen, Great Britain. My dear hubby being busy in the office, couldn't make it for the match. So, I thought of cheering him up by making strawberry cream at home for our Sunday Night Project. But when I went to the nearby supermarket to pick up fresh strawberries, they were all off from the shelves. Poor me :(, quick came the idea to pick up summer berries (rasberries and blue berries) instead. So here it is....presenting my ''Verry Berry Surprise''

100g Rasberries
100g Blue Berries
50g of Creamy Custard
50g of Mascarpone (Dessert Cheese)
3 Tablespoon of Strawberry Jam
4 Trifle Sponges / Any soft sponge cake
1 Tablespoon of Ginger biscuit Crumbs
1 Tablespoon of Sugar

1. Take rasberries and blueberries, keeping few of them aside. Add sugar and blend both the berries together and make a smooth puree.
2. Mix Custard and Mascarpone together. Mascarpone is a cheese specially used for desserts to soften the cream or custard.
3. Now take a serving glass, add berry puree. Now make layer of custard and mascarpone mixture. On top of custard add few pieces of berries kept aside and Jam. Make one more such layer.
4. Decorate with remaining pieces of Berries and ginger biscuit crumbs and a dollop of Jam.
Your tongue is waiting to lick Verry Berry Surprise :)

This is my entry for my very own Christmas Feast Event

This entry also goes for Home Made Christmas Gifts and Santa's Holiday Challenge


Finla 15 December 2008 at 17:49  

Wow this lookis so berrlicious.
Wish i had that glass of delicious dessert now.
Yummy yumm.
Thankyou fro sending this to my event.
So can i send my extract or does it has to be food?

Priya Suresh 15 December 2008 at 18:58  

Delicious berry surprise...lovely n prefect entry for those events..

Chandani 15 December 2008 at 20:02  

I have heard so much about strawberry cream from my aunt, and this sure is pleasing to the eyes!! sunday night project looks impressive,too...
btw, would love to see your version of dhoklas,too...

Gita Jaishankar 15 December 2008 at 22:06  

I have heard of strawberry cream, though Ive not tasted it. Your surprise looks simply yummy :)

Cham 15 December 2008 at 22:19  

I die for berries, love the Very berry surprise! What a great treat!

Anonymous,  15 December 2008 at 22:37  

oh wow!! what a berrylicous dessert! the berry puree adds another dimension to the dessert!

great entry to my Santa's Holiday Challenge, Purva! Thanks for sending it to my event!

Suganya 15 December 2008 at 23:02  

This is very cool. Nice recipe. Look so festive. YUM!

anudivya 15 December 2008 at 23:13  

I don't know what Columbus was trying to do, but this looks absolutely sinful and delicious.

Mahimaa's kitchen 16 December 2008 at 00:00  

wow.. looks amazing and mouthwatering. yummmyy.

Shama Nagarajan 16 December 2008 at 03:32  

wow..delectable one..lovely.

Unknown 16 December 2008 at 03:59  

This is sooooo tempting and thanks to you yaar :)the issue is solved...

and have a doubt..creamy custard?whats that?

Jaishree Iyer 16 December 2008 at 09:12  

Purva this looks amazing and tempting..perfect entry for those events.

notyet100 16 December 2008 at 12:39  

mmmm,,.fresh berries ,...r my fav,..:-)

Sharmi 16 December 2008 at 21:32  

that's a cute name:)) looks berrilicious!

Unknown 17 December 2008 at 01:22  

wow..tht looks beautiful..tempting..

Uj 17 December 2008 at 02:20  

looks yum yum.. very innovative Idea :)

Vijitha 17 December 2008 at 03:30  

Delicious one purva! yum yum yummy!

Anonymous,  18 December 2008 at 02:53  

Nice berry delicious dessert. Now, u got me craving for ice cream. LOL

Red Chillies 18 December 2008 at 12:56  

I don't know how I missed this post. I love berries and this makes a perfect holiday treat.

Premyscakes 19 December 2008 at 16:48  

Delicious... looks rich and perfect.

Premyscakes 21 December 2008 at 05:23  

wow, simply superp. Looks delicious.


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