Thursday, 8 January 2009

Christmas Feast Event - Round Up!

Santa was all set to visit all the blogs for delicious, tempting and yummy Christmas Feast. He was really delighted with delicious and lip smacking feast prepared by enthusiastic bloggers to enjoy the festivity. He had fun ride and relished all the dishes prepared by you all and was enchanted by the beautiful decoration and season's greetings.

Thank you all for such lovely Christmas Treat!

Now let's ride with Santa on his Sledge and go jingling all the way enjoying the lovely feast.

Santa riding his sleigh pulled by flying reindeer while carrying a huge bag of presents.

Christmas Decoration and Greeting Cards

Viki of Viki's Kitchen shares with us a her divine and beautiful Christmas decoration. She explains the essence of the Christmas Tree along with the significance of the ornatments used in the tree for decoration. She provides valuable information on Christmas and shares her childhood memories of Christmas celebration.

Kamala of Kamala's Corner shares her beautiful Christmas Tree with her lovely thoughts for the Christmas Festival.

Jaishree of Ruchi has conveyed her Christmas greetings to all with this beautiful Season Greetings

Here are Soma's (eCurry ) Litttle Helpers helping Mom to decorate the Christmas Tree, that's the real spirit of Christmas where the whole family is in the festive mood.

Cakes, Brownies, and Muffins

Purva of Purva's Daawat, that's your's truly bakes classic Chocolate and Walnut Brownie adapting few shortcut tricks instead of age old method. These brownies were baked especially for my hubby on his birthday and they were relished with cool Ice Cream.

Cham of Spice-Club had prepared Classic Christmas Fruit Cake for friends and family. She shares her childhood memory of celebration of Christmas. There are important and helpful tips provided by her before baking the Fruity, Rummy Christmas Fruit Cake.

Soma of eCurry presents Spiced Cranberry Raisin Bundt Cake, which has Cranberries, Spices, Colour of the Festivities. She also narrates her fun and frolic experience of decorating the Christmas Tree with her kids.

Aparna of Sumi's Weblog also prepares Fruit Cake, which is a must cake in her house.

Roopa of My Kitchen Treats comes from her Kitchen with this Devilish rich Red Velvet Fruit Cake which is vibrant and colourful - Red devil colour with the frosty wintry White colour. A perfect Christmas, velvety, moist cake.

Aquadaze of Served with Love serves us with beautiful Christmas Stocking Cake. This cake clearly shows her passion for baking. This is her lovely Christmas gift for kids.

Viki of Viki's Kitchen shares Christmas Plum Cake with a difference, different because it does not contain alcohol. She has added her very own apple syrup as a substitute. It's Different !

Sumarajesh of Suma's Cuisine has prepared this delicious glazy Upside down Apple Cake from leftover Apple

Priyasuresh of Priya's Easy and Tasty Recipe had prepared authentic from the old school of baking, a famous 18th Century Christmas Fruit and Nut Savarin Cake.

and from her Tasty and Easy Recipe treasure there are Christmas Morning Muffins, which quick and easy bake for Christmas Morning.

Preeti of Khaugiri sizzles in this Christmas with her Sizzling Brownie prepared in microwave especially for her 1 year old niece who celebrates her first Christmas.

Brownie saga continues with one more entry, Gita of Gita's Kitchen is truly in her Christmas spirit. Its time to forget all diet regulations and indulge in her Sinful Raspberry Brownies with Almond and Peanut Butter Fudge.

Jaishree of Ruchi is enjoying baking and she had made Creamy and rich with flavours Pineapple Cake for the Christmas. It is beautifuly topped with cream and colourful fruits topping.

Uma of Essence of Andhra has really fun filled event at her daughter's school called 'Secret Santa'. She had prepared these cute Christmas Cupcakes for the event.

Absence of Oven has not hamper Ramya's of Penning my Cooking joy of baking, with full festive spirit she had prepared Eggless Tutti Fruity Cake In Microwave

EC of Easy Indian Food has sent her entry for the event - All time favourite Eggless Vanilla Cake

Navita of Zaayeka digs in to her sugar craving and presents ooey, gooey and Chewy Chocolate Chip Fudge Brownie

Chandani of Chai's Corner had prepared authentic Christmas Fruit Cake, topped with colourful fruits and nuts ready to be munched.

Divya of Easycooking prepared delicious Christmas Cake at home and provides good information on the Christmas Festival

Yasmeen of Health Nut has baked Citrusy Almond Orange Muffins to bit the chilly winter blues and uplift her morning with these freshly baked goodies

Gopi Shah of Health N Taste presents Tropical Cheesecake, which is made with tropical fruit kiwi and packed with delicious creamy layers.

Archy from Archy's Recipe Book tried these tempting Orange Muffins with flax seeds, and the result was really good.

Swapna of Swapna's Cuisine also chooses to celebrate the Festive season with the Rich Fruit Christmas Cake.

Ann, A Delighted Foodie bakes this classic Greek New Year Cake. To find the your gold coin just rush to her blog, where she explains the greek tradition and how to dig a gold coin ;)

Prema of Premy's Cakes have baked these christmasy and adorable Cup Cakes for the season.

Carrot Cake comes out right from Sneh's Kitchen to ours and spreads the aroma and flavours of this inviting cake.

Sudeshna of Here I cook also shares Christmas Cake, but this is different from others. Different?? yes it is not baked in oven or microwave but prepared in our very own desi style pressure cooker.

Cookies, Biscuits and Biscotties

Here Purva (that's me), comes up with my Cranberry and Apricot Swirl Cookies on my Daawat, which were packed with Christmas flavours of fruits and spice. There is detailed step by step guide to make these delicious pinwheel cookies.

Sowmya of Creative Saga
comes up with these cute Thumbprint Cookies which gets its name due to the fact that a thump is used to make an indentation and Jam is filled inside. The cookies are coated with crunchy delicious nuts of your choice.

JZ of Tasty Treats treats us with delicious crunchy Cranberry and Pistachio Biscotti. As suggested by her have these Biscottis with a cup of Hot Chocolate for the heavenly experience in chilly snowy winter season.

Sanika of Sweet and Tangy shares her hearty and flowery Vanilla shortbread presented in an elegant way.

Anudivya of ......and a little bit more....
comes up with her healthy treasure Low Fat Almond and Oats Cookie - Eggless. She calls it treasure as she got this delicious recipe from her trash can.........not exactly!! The recipe was printed behind the packet of Oats flour. After making healthy changes to the original recipe she discovers her crunchy cookies. Her important tips to all is ''Look behind on those Packages''

Mahima of Indian Vegetarian Kitchen comes up with yet another healthy Eggles Oats and Dates Cookies, these cookies are perfect light tea time snack.

Soma of eCurry says I sure do like those Christmas Cookies, these sugar glazed sweet cookies were made by her for her little elves for Christmas on their demand. Soma! even we are sure your kids as well we liked those Christmas Cookies :)

If you don't want to indulge in yummy cookies, yet healthy one and without baking tensions, just hope to Sukanya'
- Sukanya's Musing and follow her Oatmeal Cookies which can be prepared in a jiffy without hassles of Baking.

HC of My Kitchen Treasures had prepared Cookies filled with Jam and Nuts. These cookies just fills your mouth with delicious soft jam filling when you have a crunchy bite of it.

Gayathri of My Adigemane had prepared Eggless Chocolate Cookies, take a bite and these smooth cookies will melt down in your throat.

Poonam of Poonam's Kitchen tried her hands on cookies for the first time and her Walnut Crunchies were a great hit.

Harini of Tongue Ticklers had prepared Chocolate Crinkles for her daughter's pre vacation party. I am sure girls had fun munching these crispy and crunchy cookies

Uma of Essence of Andhra made some Christmas Cookies for Santa and goes without saying Santa was delighted and left presents for them.

Yasmeen of Health Nut had baked easy to make Dark Chocolate Pecan Cookies, which are scrumptious to eat and these freshly baked cookies will spread the aroma of its sweetness in your house.

Sweatha of Tasty Curry Leaf prepared these healthy and kids favourite Oatmeal Peanut Butter Choco Chip Cookies.

Truffles, Creamy Desserts, and Wines

I was intending to make Strawberry Cream on my Daawat and was surpirsed by this new rich, creamy and berrilicous truffle called Verry Berry Surprise - Jaana tha Japan, Pohach Gaye Chin (China).........

Swapna of Swapna's Cuisine shares her inherited talent of making fruit wines and this time her successful experiment was of Date Wine.

Navita of
Zaayeka had prepared Quick Strawberry Jam, the name of the dish explains it all. She comes at a rescue for busy ladies to make easy, quick and with no fuss home made Jam.

Vandana Rajesh of Cooking Up Something Nice had prepared rich christmas dessert Caramel Custard (flan) for the Chritsmas and this dessert is loved by all in her family.

Swapna of Swapna's Cuisine shares with us this Tangy and soft Lemon Meringue Pie, which will just melt in your mouth.

Breads and Rolls

Sweatha of Tasty Curry Leaf
presents authentic CloverLeaf Rolls, the lovely shape says it all. The shape is that of cloverleaf with three sections and it is supposed to represent the Holy Trinity and sometimes these may have tiny crosses marked on these rolls.These attractive rolls are simple and can be relished at anytime of the day. These rolls are prepared during festive occasions like Christmas or St. Patrick Day.

Sumarajesh of Suma's Cuisine was having craving for chocolate and everyone loves chocolate. Her craving has lead to a creative Choco Bread.

Priyasuresh of Priya's Easy and Tasty Recipe had prepared traditional Christmas Dryfruits Fougasse flat bread which are typically prepared in France during Chrismas.

As per
Yasmeen of Health Nut baking is also a nice way to warm up your house, so she baked Fruit Challah for the festive occassion.

Sweatha of Tasty Curry Leaf comes up with Scandinavian Christmas Bread Julekage, which is a rich sweet bread filled with spices and nuts.

Christmas Feast With a Twist

DK of Culinary Bazaar displays her creative culinary skills by making Christmas Popcorn. These are popcorns which have all the fruity, sweet and spicy flavours of Christmas. One can hang these decorative popcorns on the Christmas Tree.

Mahima of Indian Vegetarian Kitchen was like an Angel sent by GOD for me. She prepared Sugar Free Dates and Nuts Fudge. This is a perfect, healthy, protein and fibre packed Christmas treat for people like me who do not consume sugar at all and even for people those who are diabetic. Thank you Mahima for this lovely nutty treat.

Kamala of Kamala's Corner shares colourful Fruit Salad for the festive occassion, which is perfect after heavy Chritsmas Meal

EC of Easy Indian Food has also sent Fruit Custard for the event

Chandani of Chai's Corner presents these yummy sugar free Khajur (Date) Ladoos which are beautifuly glazed with coconut flakes.

Viki of Viki's Kitchen prepares authentic Indian Wheat Halwa, which is glazed with richness of pure ghee.

Christmas Feast are not only sweet but delicious roasted Turkey, curries and other savoury treats. Sweatha of Tasty Curry Leaf prepares Simple Thai Green Curry Noodles

Priyanka of Asankhana also enjoys the winter and welcomes the New Year with this tempting Makhana Kheer.

I hope you all have enjoyed this Christmas Feast Ride. If I have missed any entry, kindly inform me about the same by leaving the comment and will make the necessary changes.

The festivities are yet not over, check Priti's Blog to participate in more fun and frolic Festive Food Event!


Anonymous,  8 January 2009 at 22:46  

WOW purva!! Santa's sleigh must have been really heavy:-) What a feast. Must bookmark this for next year...

Mahimaa's kitchen 8 January 2009 at 22:48  

great round up girl! good job.

Anonymous,  8 January 2009 at 22:53  

awesome round-up, purva!! mine is almost going to be a copy of urs (seems like everybody send their entries to both events!) ;-)

Sanika N 8 January 2009 at 22:55  

Purva Sundarrrrrrr ....masta ekdam....awesome round up.

anudivya 8 January 2009 at 23:31  

Nice round up... thanks!

Uma 9 January 2009 at 00:04  

thanks for a wonderful roundup Purva! Mouth-watering entries!

Joie de vivre 9 January 2009 at 01:00  

What an awesome Christmas roundup! Everything looked so delicious, even the fruitcakes! That red velvet fruit cake was over the top!

Cham 9 January 2009 at 01:03  

Wonderful festive round-up Purva. Love all the entries.

Indian Khana 9 January 2009 at 01:16  

Everything looks so tempting Purva...tht's a lovely roundup...

Divya Kudua 9 January 2009 at 02:02  

Great round-up many goodies stacked in one place..dont know which one to try first and pile back all those lost kilos..;-)

Archy 9 January 2009 at 03:19  

Wonderful round up !! Bookmarked for cakes an cookies.. lots of eggless recipe !! Lovely !!

Anonymous,  9 January 2009 at 03:45  

smart round up purva..thanks

EC 9 January 2009 at 03:58  

Lovely roundup...great job

Red Chillies 9 January 2009 at 04:30  

phew! Very nice roundup with amazing dishes.

Jaishree Iyer 9 January 2009 at 06:02  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaishree Iyer 9 January 2009 at 06:05  

WOW!awesomeround-up,purva!!Everything looks so delicious & tempting..Mouth watering entries…lovely.

Unknown 9 January 2009 at 06:10  

beautiful round up..i really adore each one of those entries..

CurryLeaf 9 January 2009 at 06:11  

Wow,what a roundup,Awesome round up and very very happy to be a part of it.Thanks

Anonymous,  9 January 2009 at 06:34  

Thanks Purva for letting me particiapte in such a nice event. All the entries are so mouthwatering.

Priya Suresh 9 January 2009 at 08:16  

Great roundup Purva...tempting feast for eyes..

Premyscakes 9 January 2009 at 08:16  

awesome purva, shud thank u for guding me to participate in this great event. Thanks a lot purva.

Shama Nagarajan 9 January 2009 at 09:00  

amazing event purva with awesome drooling over....Do check my handicrafts blog and pass ur suggestions........

Anonymous,  9 January 2009 at 10:28  

Great round up Purva. I was waiting for it eagerly because it's my first event participation. Thanks a lot purva.

lubnakarim06 9 January 2009 at 11:12  

Awesome roundup dear. Three cheers to you energy... How come you can manage to post all the recipes in one post. Hats Off!!

Finla 9 January 2009 at 12:13  

Wow beautiful roundup.
Thankyou for hosting the event.

Sharmi 9 January 2009 at 14:11  

My My You must have been really busy:) sorry I could not contribute anything! looks like a huge selection of recipes:) beautiful christmas trees!

Swapna 9 January 2009 at 14:44  

Great round up Purva...Thanks for hostimg the event!

Trupti 9 January 2009 at 15:04  

nice round up Purva..mag india la jaychi tayari zali ki nahi?

notyet100 9 January 2009 at 15:18  


Pavithra Kodical 9 January 2009 at 16:22  

Wow awesome roundup..So tempting..Thank you..

sneh 9 January 2009 at 17:20  

Hey Purva..good one.This was the first time I participated..thanks! Have a happy new year

Vikis Kitchen 10 January 2009 at 00:09  

This is a lovely round up and the trophy goes to u dear.Good job done Purva. Thanks.

Sunshinemom 10 January 2009 at 07:29  

Purva - daawat badhiya hai!! Great collection of tasty treats - thank you!

Dershana 13 January 2009 at 12:38  

Hi Purva, what a fantastic spread. Am so sorry I could not participate.

Happy New Year

Usha 13 January 2009 at 14:38  

Purva, this is a great roundup, everything looks so inviting :-)

Sum Raj 14 January 2009 at 01:19  

nice round up..great job purva

Adlak's tiny world 16 January 2009 at 15:33  

such a lovely round up and wonderful treat here.. I missed the even as i dono abc in baking.

so wat i enjoyed a lot and drooling here on c ing such a wonderful awesome treats from my blogger friends. thanks for u...

Madhavi 16 January 2009 at 19:15  

Great great round-up Purva!!!

Indian Khana 18 January 2009 at 14:13  

Hi dear how r u? Hope you are enjoying your days there...check ...award waiting for you

lubnakarim06 20 January 2009 at 10:33  

Just dropped in to say HI... Long time no updates from you....

Neha 21 January 2009 at 01:23  

Wow Purva, such a huge roundup, some how missed the event, but bookmarked it for my future refrence...

Recipeswap 30 January 2009 at 15:21  

What a lovely roundup!sad I missed this!super collection!

Yasmeen 31 January 2009 at 00:57  

Delectable holiday recipes all in one post,thanks purva:)

vandana rajesh 5 February 2009 at 04:00  

Wonderful round up Purva..bookmarking it:)


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