Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Crunchy Corn Curry

Crunchy Corn Curry

Crunchy Corn Curry is a delicious treat for all corn lovers, (which also includes me ;). We generally use corns in salads or as one of the ingredients in curries or sabjis, but this curry is prepared keeping only corn as the main and the base ingredient. My mother used to prepare this curry for her corn crazy daughter (that’s me). I was lucky that even my MIL is equally corn crazy and we both relish this curry whenever I prepare it for our meals. I call this curry as crunchy corn curry, as the corns are coarsely grind and it is garnished with sev to give more crunchiness to the curry.


500gms American Corn Kernels

4-6 Curry Leaves

2 Tablespoons Garlic paste

1 Tablespoon Coriander and Cumin powder

1 Teaspoon Turmeric powder

1 Teaspoon Mustard seeds

Pinch of Asafoedita

1 Teaspoon Green Chilly paste

1 Cup of Milk

1 Bowl of Sev

1/2 Cup of Chopped Coriander Leaves

Salt to taste



  1. Grind American corns coarsely without adding water in a food processor. Don’t make it a smooth paste; it should be coarse so that the curry is crunchy.
  2. Heat oil in a pan, add asafoetida and mustard seeds. Once seeds start crackling add curry leaves and garlic paste and saute in the oil for few seconds.
  3. Now add the coarsely grind corns in the garlic mixture. Add coriander and cumin powder, turmeric powder and green chilly paste and mix it properly.
  4. Add milk and salt as per paste and mix it with the corn mixture. Now allow the mixture to cook on a low flame.
  5. Once the curry is cooked, remove it from the flames and garnish it with coriander leaves.
  6. Just before serving spread sev over the curry and serve it with rotis or parathas.


Finla 21 April 2009 at 15:13  

Corn curry looks crunchy and delicious.

FH 21 April 2009 at 16:04  

Crunchy sev topping sounds good to me, yummy! :)

Indian Khana 21 April 2009 at 16:14  

Looks crunchy indeed with Sev toppings...gud one dear

saffronapron.blogspot.com 21 April 2009 at 16:39  

That sounds yum. I love corn and anything made with corn.

Gita Jaishankar 21 April 2009 at 18:04  

Nice curry! Looks cruncy and yummy!

Khaugiri 21 April 2009 at 18:04  

Crunchy and yummy toooooo!

Deepthi Shankar 21 April 2009 at 18:13  

that looks delicious Purva

Cham 21 April 2009 at 19:01  

Never did curry with corn , looks delicious!

Ramya Vijaykumar 21 April 2009 at 19:40  

mmm, they look crunchy with the addition of sev they should taste even better, simple one easy to make too

Parita 21 April 2009 at 20:31  

Hi Purva, first time at your blog, sweet corns are my fav too and this curry looks very delicious..

Uma 21 April 2009 at 21:45  

ooh, this curry looks so good and mouth-watering Purva! Good one!

Ashwini 21 April 2009 at 23:42  

Looks cruchy and delicious along with the sev:-)

Varsha Vipins 22 April 2009 at 01:36  

Love the sev topping Purva..yum..:)

Adlak's tiny world 22 April 2009 at 01:54  

new one and looks yummy n crunchy

lubnakarim06 22 April 2009 at 11:19  

Never tried curry with kernels...looks yum...

Priya Suresh 22 April 2009 at 12:37  

Never tried curry with corns, looks yummy Purva!

Unknown 22 April 2009 at 13:27  

oohh that looks so invaiting purva with that crunchy topping yum yum

Suparna 22 April 2009 at 14:44  

Hi Purva,
corn in a new avtaar :) kinda nice and new for a side dish, quite interesting must say, topping with sev takes the prize ;) good one.

Khaugiri 22 April 2009 at 17:19  

Once again Hello,

Purva, please grab your award from my blog.

Ammu 22 April 2009 at 23:04  

Corn curry looks delicious and cruncy. Very interesting & healthy too.

Jen Kumar 23 April 2009 at 01:00  

Wow this is a nice recipe! I'll have to try it. Do you know how to make corn soup?

Dibs 23 April 2009 at 13:49  

Nice new idea for corn! I loved the idea of adding sev...guess we can eat - this just as is - like a chaat!

Bhawna 23 April 2009 at 16:43  

nice crunchy curry, new to me will definately give it a try.

Shreya 23 April 2009 at 18:06  

this is so new to me! love the crunchy sev topping..grt recipe..

Vikis Kitchen 24 April 2009 at 15:24  

corn curry looks crunchy n delicious.

Jaishree Iyer 26 April 2009 at 15:07  

Corn curry looks delicious with Sev toppings..mouth-watering Purva!

vidhas 26 April 2009 at 18:02  

Looks delicious, surely my kids will love this, new to me.

Premyscakes 27 April 2009 at 08:30  

good one purva, looks crunchy!!a

Purva Desai 27 April 2009 at 16:06  

Thank you all for ur lovely comments....Dibs one can also treat this curry as a chaat by cooking the curry for some more time and making a thick batter consistency and evaporating the milk completely...

Unknown 28 April 2009 at 02:34  

This curry is new to me. Sounds delicious!

Le @HC 28 April 2009 at 19:43  

Looks delicious.. Sure we would enjoy this with Sev..

Lena Jayadev 7 May 2009 at 06:08  

snap s just superb...corn s a favourite item 4 me.....thank u 4 sharing.. :)

Soumya 12 May 2011 at 03:20  

Thanks for the wonderful recipe. It's easy to prepare and tastes great. I substituted green chilli paste with a teaspoon of red chilli powder and it took me less than ten minutes to prepare the curry.


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